Nissan VPP

Benefits of the Nissan Vehicle Purchase Program – VPP

The Vehicle Purchase Program enables employees of Nissan, as well as their Affiliates, Dealerships and Business Partners, the opportunity to buy new vehicles at pre-negotiated prices. Family members and friends may also be eligible depending on the category.

The VPP program provides a “No-Haggle” purchase experience and all rebates, NMAC lease specials, and APRs are still applicable.



Is Your Employer a Nissan VPP Business Partner?

These are just a few of the many Nissan Business Partners with local employees:
Once you’ve confirmed that you are eligible, click the box below to get a VPP claim number and bring it to #1 Cochran Nissan.

How to Use Your VPP Claim ID at #1 Cochran Nissan

  • Visit any of our three Pittsburgh area #1 Cochran Nissan Stores
  • Inform the sales manager that you are a VPP customer
  • Select a vehicle for a test drive
  • Present your VPP Claim ID and either a current pay stub
    (dollar amounts may be redacted), company business card or copy of a company photo ID
  • After selecting your new vehicle please review and sign the Nissan VPP Claim form (VPP claims expire in 45 days)